Crafting Your Perfect Work-Life Balance: Discover Our Vision

Escape the Mondane: Workation Wellness Retreat Awaits

Are you a remote worker craving a change of scenery? Or perhaps you're a seasoned digital nomad yearning for genuine connections? Well, you've come to the right place! Welcome to Workation Wellness Retreat.

At Workation Wellness Retreat, we provide remote workers with more than just accommodation. We offer a vibrant community, inspiring co-working spaces, rejuvenating wellness practices, and a variety of daily events and adventures around the world! Our focus is on fostering meaningful connections, creating life-changing experiences, and making unforgettable memories. Join our community today and embark on a journey to a new way of life!

Our Dream Team: Creating Workation Wellness Wonders!

Meet our dynamic trio of organizers! Each of our specialists brings unique expertise to the table, ensuring a diverse and enriching experience.

At Workation Wellness, we believe in the power of teamwork and community, fostering an environment where you can connect, collaborate, and grow alongside like-minded individuals. Despite our diverse backgrounds, we share a common passion for remote work, entrepreneurship, and holistic well-being. Together, we're committed to helping you cultivate sustainable habits for a healthy mind and body. Join us as we share knowledge, create connections, and support you on your journey to success. Let's inspire and uplift each other as we embrace the leaders within us!

Meet Our Experts: Workation Wellness Retreat Specialists

  • I've always had a wandering spirit, exploring the globe alongside my mother from a young age and soaking up the diverse cultures and perspectives we encountered. This early exposure fueled a deep curiosity for foreign knowledge, eventually leading me to shape my career around ancient Indian wisdom and exciting adventures.

    In my personal quest for physical, mental, and emotional well-being, I stumbled upon Ayurveda and Jyotish (Vedic astrology). These age-old practices became my guiding lights, offering profound insights and solutions to modern-day challenges. As an Ayurvedic naturopath and Vedic astrologer, I've launched an online astrology course, taught Ayurveda in Canadian schools and organized wellness retreats, all driven by my passion to share this wisdom and provide practical tools for self-care.

    My primary goal is to empower individuals to understand their own bodies and minds, fostering true independence in their health journey. Ayurveda's magic lies in its ability to decode our bodily signals and guide us towards appropriate responses, and I'm excited to embark on this transformative journey with you all.

  • Backpacking for two and a half years was an unforgettable experience – a beautiful, wild adventure that ignited a passion for travel. Embracing the remote work lifestyle didn't clip my wings; it just gave me the freedom to explore further.

    That's where the idea for Workation Wellness Retreat bloomed. Travel, at its heart, is about forging connections, and what better way to do that than through shared experiences and a focus on well-being? Here, we combine coworking spaces with the opportunity to connect with fellow remote workers who share your passions. It's about fostering a community wherever we go.

    Fun fact: I may be Italian, but mastering the art of cooking isn't one of my talents! Speaking of adventures, I once crossed the Atlantic by sailboat – an experience that'll stay with me forever. And if that wasn't enough, I also bunge jumped and skydived in Australia, proving that I'm not afraid to take a leap (of faith...or off a bridge!).

    When I'm not building connections or crafting digital marketing strategy, you'll likely find me exploring the charming backstreets of Italy, my current home base (for now!).

  • Hello everyone! I'm delighted to introduce myself to you as a yoga teacher and Ayurvedic coach, as well as a passionate traveler and nomad at heart.

    My journey into the world of yoga and Ayurveda began during my travels around the globe. It was while exploring new horizons and connecting with different cultures that I discovered the sacred art of yoga and the wonders of Ayurveda. These ancient practices have profoundly transformed my life and ignited a fervent passion within me to share these treasures with others.

    As a nomad, I am constantly inspired by the diversity of the world around me and by the rich and profound teachings of yoga and Ayurveda. My mission is to impart these teachings to help others enhance their daily lives, find balance and vitality, and cultivate a deep connection with themselves and the world around them.

    Whether through revitalizing yoga classes, personalized Ayurvedic consultations, or enriching workshops, I am committed to supporting each individual on their journey to well-being and wholeness. Join me on this adventure of discovery and transformation, and together, let's explore the treasures of ancient wisdom for a fulfilling and meaningful life.